I have seen these tips written by an unknown person.
I really love them and wish to share with everyone
who may apply to your life.
"Watch Butterflies and Bird
Take Time to Smell the Roses
Enjoy Sunrise and Sunset
Be Grateful for Good Health
Be Thankful for Every Meal
Judge your success by the degree that you enjoy
peace and good health
Resist Gossip. Don't Nag
Say "Thank You" a lot
Never afraid to say "I am sorry"
Take Good Care of the One You Love
Be kinder than necessary
Enjoy Good Company
Keep Your Promises
Leave everything a little better than when you found it
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who never find it
Improving your performance by improving your attitude
Do more than what is expected of you
Don't expect that money will bring you happiness"
Life is so short. Look around and be happy in what
we have. Learn how to give and forgive. Make our world
a better place to live for all of us.